What’s in a Name?” Bonus Advent Readings

This is The Weekly Lectionary: Advent Bonus Part 1

The Episode is the “Bonus Series” of The Weekly Lectionary.  

Why the bonus series—and what will be a three part bonus-  Well, as with all good plans, things can change when reality meets those plans.  One of the reasons for this podcast was to make the weekly scripture readings accessible for folks to carry with them, as a way of  hearing and thinking and praying about the scripture readings that are in the offing for the next worship service.  Also, though, this would make readings accessible to those who can’t make the next service, either because of schedule or infirmity, or attend a church which doesn’t use the lectionary, or perhaps folks who don’t attend church at all.

You may recall, the Revised Common Lectionary is used by the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican/, Episcopal churches, and many other Protestant churches.  

In some churches, the pastor can use or not use the lectionary.  Our pastor devised an alternative lectionary for this season of Advent.  I thought it would be helpful to offer this Alternative lectionary to folks who might be interested in a different take on the Advent Season.  

This episode will have two separate weeks of readings. In that way it will cover last week’s and this week’s readings; that is Advent Week 1 and Advent Week 2.   In the next two weeks, I will “drop” a bonus episode alongside the regular episode. 

By the way, if your are looking for a church in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, check out our church, Christ the King Lutheran Church.  Here is our website!  http://www.ctkluth.org/